'We Are NY Horse Racing' Launches in New York

Finger Lakes | Horsephotos

“We Are NY Horse Racing,” a coalition of small businesses, unions, non-profits, and trade organizations designed to educate New Yorkers about the importance of horse racing to the state's economy, has launched and gained statewide support. According to a 2018 published study by the American Horse Council, horse racing in New York State is responsible for 19,000 jobs and more than $3 billion in annual economic impact. The broader equine industry is New York's second-largest agribusiness and the sport of horse racing sustains hundreds of small businesses on and around the 11 racetracks currently in operation in the state.

Events, paid media and other efforts directly related to educating New Yorkers about the importance of horse racing are on the slate for We Are NY Horse Racing. For more information, visit nyhorseracing.com.

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